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Times Of War - Tower Defese game Only 5.99€

6 June, 2023 by Administrator

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2 April, 2023 by Leviathan - Keeper of the blog

First and foremost, I would like to remind you...

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Posted on 2 April, 2023 by Leviathan - Keeper of the blog


First and foremost, I would like to remind you of the rules that govern this space. They are simple, but they are not to be taken lightly. Any violation of these rules will be met with swift and decisive action.

Rule number one: Be respectful to your fellow users. This means no hate speech, no personal attacks, and no harassment of any kind. If you are found to be in violation of this rule, you will be dealt with accordingly.

Rule number two: Keep it clean. This means no explicit language, no graphic images, and no content that is not appropriate for all ages. If you are found to be in violation of this rule, your content will be removed and you may be banned from TartorGames.

Rule number three: Stay on topic. This means that all posts and comments should be related to the topic at hand. Off-topic posts and comments will be removed.

If you break any of these rules, you will be subject to punishment. Depending on the severity of your infraction, this may include a warning, a temporary ban, or a permanent ban from TartorGames.

Now, let me describe what may happen if you decide to test the limits of these rules. If you choose to post hate speech, personal attacks, or harassment of any kind, you will feel the full force of my wrath. I will hunt you down with the speed and power of the ocean, and I will not rest until you are removed from this space.

If you choose to post explicit language, graphic images, or content that is not appropriate for all ages, you will be met with a crushing blow. I will descend upon you with the full weight of my body, and you will be dragged down into the darkness below.

If you choose to post off-topic content, I will strike you down with the precision and efficiency of a predator. I will not allow you to disrupt the order of this space.

In conclusion, I urge you to abide by the rules that govern TartorGames. If you do, you will find that it is a safe and respectful environment in which to express yourself. If you do not, you will find that I am a merciless enforcer of order and control.

The choice is yours.

Tags: rules, welcome, posts